Holidays for Life with the School for Life Chiang Mai

A start in this respect is the accommodation facility with eight bungalows for single or double use and a restaurant. The School for Life encourages culture sensitive tourism and was started to fulfil two desires:

The desire of experienced travellers who want to truly arrive in a country, have authentic experiences and make friends, and who are no longer satisfied with “tourist destinations”, “tourist art”, “tourist events”, “tourist excursions”, “tourist prices”, or the boredom of hotel lobbies.

The desire of culturally-open locals who supply hospitality in place of barracuda behaviour often witnessed amount tour guides, and who want to combine cultural, ecological and economic development.

The School for Life opens doors into Thai daily life that bring guests, the school’s community and local residents together as active partners and friends. Some guests do not only want to observe, they prefer to actively participate in what they see. More than a few of them want to leave tracks behind. For this reason, the School for Life combines investigating reality with the opportunity to make contributions towards the development of the school and the community. Guests are not treated like “black boxes”, but as experts with professional experience. The guests do not have to take on this role, of course. They can also choose to simply take vacation while they are there. But they know that the invitation to actively participate – regardless of how small or large their contribution is – stands.

Prices for accomodation, meals and transport:

Guestlist Holidays – Pricelist

Information and Contact

Mr. Jo (Kyaw Kyaw Hla)
Communication Manager
Mobile: +66 (0) 85 237 9482

Ms. Conny Grimm (Deutsch/Englisch)

Volunteers Team Manager