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Office School for Life Germany

On 04.07.2020 the Association School for Life Germany e.V. (SfL DE e.V.) was founded in Potsdam. As executive committee were elected:

Chairman: Christian Luther, Berlin;

Deputy Chairman: Dr. Gerd Harms, Potsdam;

Treasurer: Thuy Tran, Berlin.

The association is registered at the Potsdam District Court and recognized as a
non-profit organization by the Potsdam Tax Office.

The Board of the Association has established an Office School for Life Germany, which from 2021 will conduct all current business for the Board of Directors and with the School for Life Chiang Mai (Thailand).

In the office are working as

Office Manager:           Conny M. Grimm, Berlin

mailto:   grimm.schoolforlife@web.de

Financial Manager:    Thuy Tran, Berlin

mailto:   thuytran.sfl@gmail.com

Director: N.N.

mailto:  office@school-for-life.org

The Office School for Life Germany takes over all tasks that were carried out by INA CCW GmbH until 2020.
Due to business and structural reorientation INA CCW GmbH terminates the
operative support of the School for Life activities.

The purpose of the Association School for Life Germany e.V., Potsdam, is the promotion of education and training, science and research, development cooperation and civic engagement in favor of charity and public welfare. The association pursues these purposes in particular through

Ÿ ⇒ Promotion of implementation and dissemination of the scientific-pedagogical “situational approach” in Gemany and abroad,

Ÿ ⇒ Consulting and support for Schools for Life such as the “School for Life Chiang Mai” (Thailand),

Ÿ ⇒ Support and advice for experts, volunteers and trainees in Schools for Life,

Ÿ ⇒ Support and advice for scientific and educational projects as well as for emergencies in Germany and foreign countries, with a focus on developing and emerging countries, attended with the

⇒ promotion of the image of the Federal Republic of Germany,

Ÿ⇒ Support of persons within the meaning of § 53 of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung) within the scope of scientific or pedagogical projects and of comprehensive aid measures.

Ÿ The association works closely together with the Shaul B. and Hilde Robinsohn Foundation Berlin http://www.robinsohn-stiftung.de and with the step foundation Freiburg https://step-stiftung.de.

School for Life Germany e. V. Potsdam (SfL DE)

Office: c/o Wolters-Tran, D-12161 Berlin, Fröaufstr. 9 office@school-for-life

Chair: Christian Luther, Berlin – Deputy Chair: Dr. Gerd Harms, Potsdam                                      Amtsgericht Potsdam Register-No. VR 9240 P, Finanzamt Potsdam Steuer-Nr. 046/143/07760            bank account: IBAN: DE43 1005 0000 0190 9874 30 BIC BELADEBEXXX

Financial Reports

SfL Financial Report 2020