Wir möchten Ihnen mit den folgenden Interviews einen aktuellen Eindruck zur Situation in der Schule vermitteln
Mr. Jo hat für uns einige Kinder und Lehrkräfte interviewen lassen, damit wir einen besseren Eindruck davon bekommen, wie die aktuelle Lage an der School for Life und in Thailand gerade ist.
Diese möchten wir hier mit euch teilen:
Mitu Chaemue, Grade 1

Mitu Chaemue
How old are you? — I am 6 years old.
Since how long are you at School for Life? — Two years now.
How do you feel during Pandemic times?
I feel uncomfortable because there are more rules to follow for Covid-19 pandemic.
Do you feel a difference at School for Life since the Pandemic started? — Yes, I do.
If yes, what do you feel different? — No more volunteers.
How is the situation in your home village? — It still opens as usual.
Is there something that you really miss since the Pandemic started? — I miss volunteers.
Is there anything that you would like to tell the outside world?
I want everybody come back to our school again.
Jakkarin Kanyaprasit, Grade 5

Jakkarin Kanyaprasit
How old are you? — I am 12 years old.
Since how long are you at School for Life? — Four years now.
How do you feel during Pandemic times? — I feel bad because pandemic lowers my parent’s incomes.
Do you feel a difference at School for Life since the Pandemic started?
Yes, I do.
If yes, what do you feel different? — I can’t go out as before.
How is the situation in your home village? — It still opens as usual.
Is there something that you really miss since the Pandemic started?
I miss to have class as before and miss volunteers.
Is there anything that you would like to tell the outside world? — I want this pandemic to finish.

Suphawat Phetphairat
Suphawat Phetphairat, Grade 7
How old are you? — I am 15 years old.
Since how long are you at School for Life? — Three years now.
How do you feel during Pandemic times?
I feel unconfortable about things, e.g. I have to wear mask almost everywhere I go.
Do you feel a difference at School for Life since the Pandemic started?
Yes, I do.
If yes, what do you feel different? — Less people come to visit us. No more volunteers, so no fun as before.
How is the situation in your home village? — My vilage is closed. Life is more difficult, e.g. can’t see parents often.
Is there something that you really miss since the Pandemic started?
I miss volunteers and all activities we did together.
Is there anything that you would like to tell the outside world?
I want the pandemic to finish.
Newsletter no. 248